If you have received a defective card, please contact us immediately through any of the following channels to initiate the process of getting a replacement card:
- 24/7 Customer Service Hotline at (02) 8887-9188
- Sending an email request to customercare@securitybank.com.ph
- At a Security Bank branch near you
However, if your card arrived in good physical condition but is experiencing malfunctions, the following could be the possible reason/s:
- It is already expired
- The magnetic strip or EMV chip could have been demagnetized or scratched
- There may be issues with the Merchant or Payment Processor
- The available balance of the account is insufficient, or the credit limit has been exceeded
- Information such as expiry date, and billing address, provided for purchase, could be incorrect or inconsistent with the debit or credit card information
- For new cards, it hasn't been activated
- For cards that are about to expire, a replacement credit card may be on its way 5 - 7 banking days for Metro Manila addresses and 7 - 10 banking days for Non-Metro Manila addresses after receiving the SMS delivery notification from our authorized courier.